HamNET- Mesh OLSRD version from SP2ONG
This version is used in Poland and there are points / networks in several Polish cities and in the next article I will discuss in detail, its installation and setup because it allows low-byuzhdeten router to build a point of network infrastructure operating simultaneously as a gateway repeater, meteorological station sending data to APRS, customer point.
With this software was released and point in Vratsa working as a meteorological station upload data in APRS.
Supported devices:
NanoStation Loco M2/M5
This software makes the following extensions router:
Expands Its frequency plan and gives access to frequencies (at 2.4 ghz): 2362 MHz (channel 247) and 2397 MHz (channel 254) / *** Warning – these frequencies can be used only by licensed radio amateurs /
Quote of the license:
It allows changing bandwidth wireless connection: 5,10,20 Mhz
Increased time in emitting identifier which repeatedly reduces QRM and load the final step in the absence of traffic.
Possibility of software restriction on the distance of the working point.
The possibility of connecting external devices / as arduino / via RS232 interface and read and process their data with simple lua scripts. – Meteorological station.
Built-in scripts to upload data to the APRS network and script to upload WX – weather data to the APRS. and others.
After installing this software to the router is necessary to make initial settings using telnet you set a password and command for initial setup of amateur prefix, hamnet IP and QTH locator.
Once you have uploaded the software you connect to the router via a LAN cable, it distributed an internal address in the area / (address of the router and address customer to through TERMINAL adjusts and controls.
Connecting through telnet through the passwd command set the router’s password (you must enter 2 times per query) and the router restarts after you have SSH access.
Connect through SSH to with root user and password you set via telnet
Set command for initial setup the router to work in HAMNET MESH and the command is: hamnet PREFIX HamNetIP Locator example: hamnet LZ9NY KN13PF and then reboot the router will be set up with an initial setting to work on the network.
Prefix can be added short name of the link / example /: LZ9NY-L1 or LZ9NY-M3
For HamNetIP is set at 44 network set for hamnet area, MESH network in Vratsa has addresses in the address group as addresses mesh network is determined by LZ4NY (test network in Vratsa can use addresses,,
Routers have a WEB interface with statistics at: http://HamNetIP:8080
Address gita in Vratsa is: or http://lz4ny.eu:8080 (for test review over the Internet – do not show graphics on weather and no access to other points as they are accessible only by HamNet)
A description of installation and configuration of software in Polish:
For download file pse send mail to LZ4NY with your ham call to response password for download.
Archive of the installation files: